
SCARF is migrating to Rocky 9, please see Rocky 9 Migration for details on the Rocky 9 cluster

Understanding the SCARF partitions

As SCARF has grown over the years it has evolved into a heterogeneous cluster and not a single multi-node machine. As a result, in order to get the best results, it is important to review the resources available on it and to understand how the partitions give access to different parts of the cluster. The scarf partition is the default partition, other partitions can be selected using the -p option to salloc and sbatch.

SCARF Partitions

SCARF Partitions
Partition Accessible by Hardware Runlimit Other Notes
scarf All Users All non-gpu equipped generally accessible hardware 2 days by default, up to 7 days Default Partition
devel All Users All non-gpu equipped generally accessible hardware 2 hours by default, up to 12 hours Enforces exclusive node access
preemptable All Users All Hardware 2 days by default, up to 7 days Jobs will be killed if nodes are needed to start jobs in other partitions
gpu All Users Generally accessible GPU nodes 2 days by default, up to 7 days Please see our page on GPUs for details as to how to request GPUs
gpu-exclusive All Users Generally accessible GPU nodes 2 days by default, up to 7 days

Please see our page on GPUs for details as to how to request GPUs

Enforces exclusive node access

ibis ibis 10x SCARF16 nodes, 20 SCARF23 nodes 2 days by default, up to 7 days
derevolutionibus clfppg, clfextern 67x SCARF17 nodes 2 days by default, up to 7 days Limited to 800 CPUs per user
magnacarta clfppg 24x SCARF16 nodes 2 days by default, up to 7 days
numanlys-cpu scdcompmaths cn255 2 days by default, up to 7 days